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About Jenfit & Fresh Start

The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life

Do you know you should be doing something with your health and probably shouldn’t wait any longer, but you simply just aren’t doing it?

As Americans, we have choices, tons of them every moment of the day, but are the choices we make leading us to a life of health and happiness? Are we living in an excuse world most of the time?

Here’s the facts:

- 63.1% of Americans are now overweight

- 1-4 teens are trying to lose weight

- Cardiovascular deaths happen every 34 seconds

- Cancer claims over 1500 lives daily in America.

If I were to ask you, “Hi, How are you doing today”? How would you respond? Very commonly, the response is “Oh, I’m ok”. Looking at the stats above, is “ok” good enough for you? What if you were to learn some very realistic techniques that could greatly improve your health and maybe you don’t become a stat from above. Would you be willing? This is the only life you get to live, and OK is definitely not good enough.

Why Jenfit & Fresh Start

Suitable for Everyone









Professional Coaches

It's Time to Take Control of Your Life

This program is designed to help people take responsibility for the one amazing thing we were blessed with, our body/life. Your life is a blessing and was given to you for some definite purpose. It wasn’t given to you so you could live in an OK status or just so you could go through life accepting whatever comes along, including illness.


 The Freshstart Program believes in fixing the symptoms instead of putting a band-aid on them. The truth is, we are not supposed to get sick, but if we do our bodies are designed to recover fully and quickly. What if I were to tell you that 99% of health conditions are preventable. Pretty bold statement, right?  I believe fully that if you pay attention to the symptoms and fix them you will live a healthy, happy, more fulfilling life.

The symptoms you have are a warning sign. If you ignore them, put an excuse to them, or just live with them, that is when disease occurs. We are blessed with this temple and we should be taken care of it daily so we never have to be given that bad diagnosis.

 Are ready to make some REALISTIC changes?

The FreshStart Program is here to help! Pick from a starter program of 30days or go for the most accountability in the 90 day group!

What's Included

  • Individualized designed regimens 

  • Daily Tracking App

  • Detailed manual with meal plans, grocery lists and education

  • portion control program and emotional eating program

  • 100's of recipes

  • 2 Jenfit cookbooks

  • Jenfit manual

Emotional Therapy/Support
  • Emotional therapy technique session to learn forgiveness and healing (only in the 60 & 90 Day programs

  • daily education and motivation

  • 24/7 access to health coach

  • 30 day journal

  • forever community support group

Are You Ready for a Fresh Start?

Pick Your Plan of Action

1.  Let's Get Started

  • 30 day plan - Starting at $175

  • 60 min goal setting call (in-person or zoom)

  • 1 month of daily coaching on free app

  • Manual and journal

  • Grocery list and sample meal plans

2.  Going for It

  • 2 month plan - Starting at $350

  •  60 min goal setting call (in-person or zoom)

  • 2 months of daily coaching on free app

  • 2 refresh calls (in-person or zoom) (30 minutes)

  • Manual, journal, and recipe book

  • Grocery list and sample meal plans

  • 1 Nutrition Response Testing Session

Add Ons

  • 1 year membership to Beachbody On Demand (+2 Nutrition Programs FREE) challenge pack - $160 -$200+

  • 5 Month Journal - $18

  • Jenfit & Fresh cookbook - $12

  • Additional EPT sessions - $100 each (packages available)

  • Shakeology Pure Nutrition available at 25% discounts

  • Additional months of coaching - $125 per month or $325 for 3 months

Add Ons for Local Customers Only

  • 30 minute infrared sauna sessions - $30 per session

  • Go to store with Coach Jen - $60

  • Jenfit and Fresh Meals  - $9 per meal

  • Personal Fitness training session - $50 per hour at your home

  • Additional NRT $40 each  (initial session $75)

3. ALL IN Program  

  • 3 months of accountability on app  $450

  • Manual, cookbooks, 3 individual coaching sessions

  • NRT Session

  • 5 Jenfit & Fresh Meals

  • 1 Full Therapy Session (Red Light, Grounding, Infrared Sauna, Cold Plunge

  • Emotional Polarity Technique Session (Coach Lisa Knapke)

  • Graduation Tee Shirt

Fitness Membership

  • Online Jenfit Classes available on Facebook Group $10 a month Contact Jen for access

  • BODI memberships Contact Jen to get link to her coaching

Other Services

Infrared Sauna

  • $30 for 30 minutes

  • Fire & Ice $25 (20 minutes sauna + 3-5 minute Plunge)


Red Light Therapy: 20 min $15


  • Initial Session - $75

  • Follow up - $40


Next Group
August 5th
Sept 2nd

Are You Ready to Start Your Life-Changing Journey?

Join Jenfit & Fresh Start today!

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